Caribbean Peoples' Assembly calls for boycott of Summit of the Americas in the U.S.

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2022-05-31 00:19:56


Havana, May 31 (RHC)-- The Assembly of Caribbean Peoples -- La Asamblea de Pueblos del Caribe (ACP) -- called on the heads of government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) not to attend the next Summit of the Americas scheduled for next week in Los Angeles, if the exclusion of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela persists.

According to an APC communiqué, which includes representatives from Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Haiti, Suriname, Puerto Rico, Martinique, Dominican Republic and the Cuban chapter of the organization, the group said it is necessary for regional governments to defend the sovereignty of their peoples.

The group expressed what it called its serious concerns about the U.S. strategy of "divide and rule" for the region and in that sense sent a letter to the various heads of government calling for a boycott of the summit, according to the communiqué.

Likewise, the note refers that it calls on the Caribbean countries to repudiate the Monroe Doctrine and to resist the maneuvers of the United States and to do everything necessary to maintain unity, reject all attempts to interfere in the affairs of sovereign states and to stand firm on the principle that the Caribbean is a zone of peace".

According to the CPA, "Caricom has always been a principled regional bloc as evidenced by the decision of the then four independent states in 1972 to recognize Cuba and the strong relations that all Caricom member states have with Cuba."

In that direction, the note points out that given the United States' own history of discrimination, "it certainly has no moral authority to pronounce on the government of other countries".

The CPA regretted "the recent decision of some Caricom Heads of Government to attend the Summit of the Americas," due to the fact that, according to the entity, "it demonstrates the acceptance that the host country can choose the countries it prefers to invite based on political or ideological grounds", which they conclude "is a position that must be firmly rejected." 

The non-invitation of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua to the Summit of the Americas has provoked the reaction of several governments and social movements in the region, which have announced they will not attend the meeting.


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