Rafael Correa rejects Lasso's call for a national agreement in Ecuador

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2023-02-09 13:22:12


Quito, February 9 (RHC)-- The leader of the Citizen Revolution movement, former Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa, has rejected the call made by President Guillermo Lasso on a "national agreement" considering that it is insincere and full of cynicism.

After the victory obtained by the political movement last February 5th in the sectional elections, for members of the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control (CPCCS) and the constitutional referendum, the former head of state shared a message through his account on the social network Twitter. 

"Faced with President Lasso's call, a national agreement, we cannot accept it, it is not credible, it is not sincere, it is full of cynicism," Correa asserted.  He also urged Lasso to understand that "he has already fulfilled his whim of seeing his portrait hanging in the Yellow Room, but he must understand, for the good of the country, for his own good, that you are part of the problem, not of the solution, that you have been the author and at the beginning an accomplice of (Lenín) Moreno for the national tragedy we are living."

According to data from the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Ecuador, in the eight questions presented in the constitutional referendum, an initiative promoted by Lasso, the NO option obtained a resounding victory in each one with more than 50 percent of the votes.  After recognizing his defeat, Lasso called on the entire national leadership to "build a great agreement."

On the other hand, former President Correa thanked the Ecuadorian people and added that "after six years of atrocious persecution, of cantinflesque accusations, the response of the Ecuadorian people, an immense vindication, we received it with absolute humility."

"We have won nine prefectures, more than 50 mayoralties, among them most of the capitals of the coast, provincial capitals, the capital of the republic." he highlighted.  Correa affirmed that such an electoral victory had not been achieved even when we were in government and had the largest party in the history of the country perfectly structured.

"We have once again become the Citizen Revolution, achieving the impossible, making dreams that were thought to be unattainable come true," he said.

And the former Ecuadorian president stated that last February 5th was the first step towards the recovery of the country and expressed the commitment to continue "until we turn Ecuador back into the jaguar of Latin America, an example for Latin America and the whole world."


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