Climate activists issue ultimatum to UK prime minister, warning of escalating disruptions

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2023-02-15 22:20:34


London, February 16 (RHC)-- In the UK, activists with the group Just Stop Oil delivered an ultimatum to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, warning the British government must stop any new fossil fuel licenses after April 10 or deal with “escalating disruption” from the youth activists. 

The climate group is known for its high-profile acts of nonviolent direct action and disrupting public spaces, such as art museums and roads, to bring public awareness to the urgency of the climate crisis. 

Activist Hannah Hunt told reporters in London: “Instead of responding to the wishes of the British people, they are implementing policies that throw millions into destitution, while enabling fossil fuel companies to make the largest profits in U.K. history. … For the government to win, it will have to defeat the youth of this country, for we will put our bodies on the line.”

As that action was taking place, climate activists with Extinction Rebellion blocked private jet terminals at Luton Airport, outside London, holding a banner that read “tax frequent flyers.”

In related news, dozens of Extinction Rebellion activists protested in front of Citigroup to demand it stop investing in fossil fuel expansion.  Citi is the world’s second-largest financier of fossil fuels after JPMorgan Chase.


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