Violent organizations from the U.S. involved in plotting terrorist actions against Cuba

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2024-07-09 06:48:27


Havana, July 9 (RHC)-- An investigation by the Cuban Ministry of the Interior (MININT) released in Havana has determined the direct participation of violent organizations from Southern Florida in a frustrated terrorist operation against this Caribbean nation.

When speaking on a special program broadcast on national television, Colonel Víctor Álvarez, second head of the Specialized Agency of the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the MININT, explained that events like this have been repeatedly been reported to the U.S. authorities.

Colonel Álvarez explained that the capture last December of citizen Ardenys García Álvarez, 40 years old, after his infiltration through the north of the western province of Matanzas, led to an investigation that confirmed his objectives and identified his financiers and accomplices. 

Ardenys García Álvarez, a native of the province of Cienfuegos, illegally emigrated to the United States in 2014, and in December 2023 he clandestinely introduced weapons and ammunition into Cuba, using a jet ski, with the purpose of carrying out terrorist actions. 

The officer presented audiovisual materials showing the main person involved in the United States carrying out military training and shooting practices with combat weapons, even with special means such as telescopic sights.

The investigation showed that this action was planned, organized, supported and financed by a group of Cuban terrorists based in the United States, some of whom have carried out other terrorist actions in Cuba.  He also pointed out that these acts were repeatedly reported to U.S. authorities and the law enforcement agencies of that country.

The television program presented the confessions of Ardenys García Álvarez and other recruited people, including his father, who confirmed the purpose of using the illegally introduced weapons (five pistols, abundant supplies and other means) to attack economic objectives and military units.

They also planned to purchase a farm to establish a base of operations.

According to the chief prosecutor of the Directorate for Combating Corruption and Illegalities, Eduard Roberts, the nature of the events under investigation classify them as very serious, and carry severe sanctions.

They include transgressions of the political, economic and public order, and crimes against the security of the State, and associated with terrorism, taking into account the motivation, the means they used and the objectives they had set, he explained.

Some of those involved in the organization, planning and financing of these actions are included on the national list of people involved in acts of terrorism against Cuba, among them Willy González, head of the paramilitary organization the so-called "Nueva Nación Cubana en Armad" -- "New Cuban Nation in Arms."


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