Palestinian detainees describe torture in Israel’s Ofer prison

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2024-08-04 09:00:02


Ramallah, August 4 (RHC)-- Three Palestinians from Gaza, who are being held in Israel’s Ofer prison, have recounted abuse and mistreatment, according to the Palestinian Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs.

Mohammed Jamous, 44, Fadi Ayad, 39, and Fadi Howaydi, 38, said to the commission’s lawyer, who visited them last week, that they were stripped of their clothes, beaten, tortured and bound, with their eyes blindfolded.  The detainees described the Israeli soldiers as “rabid beasts” who took pleasure in their suffering.

“We were turned into prey to these monsters, who enjoyed our hunger, thirst, screams and illnesses.  We still cannot believe that we are still alive,” they said.

The abuse, according to the detainees, began immediately upon their detention from Gaza, continuing through transportation in military vehicles, where they faced insults, degradation, and severe torture.

“Today, we are all sick,” the detainees concluded.  “Our bodies are exhausted, and we have become prey to illness and injury. No medical treatment or medication is provided.  Despite these dire conditions, we cling to the hope of returning to our families alive.”


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