Tens of thousands fill the streets of Caracas in massive march of support for President Nicolas Maduro

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2024-08-17 17:51:38


Caracas, August 17 (RHC)-- According to the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), the route began at the headquarters of the National Telephone Company of Venezuela (CANTV), on Libertador Avenue. The Andrés Bello Avenue, the elevated La Candelaria, the avenue Urdaneta and Puente Llaguno are other points of the route that will culminate in the Palace of Miraflores.

Addressing the massive rally, the head of government of the Capital District, Nahum Fernández, assured that this mobilization will support the newly re-elected Venezuelan president, while rejecting fascism throughout the country.

“We have organized at least 100 cities and we will be with the 100 national marches where the states, through the capitals, the second municipalities, the electoral corridor and all that force that has the revolution, will demonstrate with joy,” indicates the call.

On his program “Con el mazo dando”, the First Vice President of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, spread the call to the revolutionary and Chavista people.  He assured that this Saturday the Venezuelans would go out to the streets to continue celebrating the victory of the Bolivarian Revolution.

The Far-Right Moves

On Saturday, the extreme right called a demonstration in the streets of Caracas and the reality is that they had march with a very few people turning out.  Despite the lies of the media corporations that assured that “the majority of the Venezuelan people” attended the right-wing call.

From the Eastern part of Caracas, the fascist demonstration was presided over by Maria Machado, spokesperson for the extreme right.

In the eyes of international imperialist media such as Infobae or the far-right direction of El Pais, the march is uniting thousands of Venezuelans, however from aerial shots you can see a minimum concentration of less than one block with at most 1,200 people.

This right-wing march, in the words of Communication Minister Freddy Ñañez, only seeks to make the strength of the people of Venezuela invisible to international public opinion, which will not happen.

For his part, the First Vice-President of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, had already denounced the fascist attempts by the right to subvert order in the Venezuelan people this Saturday.

“They are looking for people who generate violence and kill people,” said Cabello.


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