Venezuelan President Says Exxon-Mobil Works to Destabilize Venezuela

Eldonita de Ivan Martínez
2015-07-09 13:52:46


Caracas, July 9 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Wednesday that the country is facing a destabilization campaign by U.S.-based oil giant Exxon-Mobil.


“There is a brutal campaign against Venezuela, financed by Exxon-Mobil," Nicolas Maduro said on the border dispute with Guyana. "It’s a campaign to corner Venezuela, in order to lead it to high-intensity conflict, to undermine the policy of peace that we have implemented," he added.


On Monday, the Venezuelan president ordered a thorough review of diplomatic relations with Guyana, warning that he will recall the ambassador.


Despite a long-running border dispute, which dates back to the colonial period, Exxon-Mobil Corp. reported a major oil discovery after being given unilateral permission to explore the disputed territory of Esequibo via an agreement with Guyana. Venezuela considered that agreement a violation and called for a dialogue between the two nations to settle the dispute.


Maduro emphasized that, according to the Geneva Conventions of 1966, the British had acknowledged the recognition of the disputed territories is still pending, “They recognize it’s a case that still needs negotiation,” he said.


Maduro added that the territory was historically significant for Venezuelans, as it was fought for by liberation fighters. "The Esequibo was not a gift by the British Empire, it was defended by our liberators, the blood of our liberators is there,” he said.


In the interview with teleSUR, Maduro also praised the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the electoral victory for the ‘No’ vote in Greece’s recent referendum, which refused further austerity measures imposed by European and international financial institutions. Maduro said in a telephone conversation Tsipras told him Greece’s referendum reminded him of a referendum held by Maduro’s predecessor, Hugo Chavez in that it had a great impact on the world. He also said the ALBA group of nations, of which Venezuela was a founder member, stands in solidarity with Greece.


"I gave (Tsipras) my political, spiritual support from the ALBA countries and I stressed the importance of the battle for humanity beyond Greece and Europe. If they move forward, humanity can have some hope." Maduro stressed further collaboration with Greece, extending on existing trade, cultural and tourist agreements between the two countries. "We talked about future visits to Greece. We are going to deepen our relation with Greece," Maduro said.


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