World Left Militants Meet in Quito

Eldonita de Ivan Martínez
2015-09-29 14:06:18


Quito, September 29 (RHC)-- Renowned worldwide for being located in the middle of the world, Ecuador became the capital of the international Left, welcoming over 300 political leaders and militants from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.

The event, comprising representatives of the Left political tendency, took the name of Latin American Progressive Meeting (ELAP 2015) starting on Monday at the National Theater of the Ecuadorian Cultural House, according to Prensa Latina news agency. 

The three-day meeting is focusing on the analysis of forces and the main problems in the region as a result of attempts by the right-wing to regain power, according to the ruling Alianza PAIS party.

Ecuadorean Vice President Jorge Glas urged participants to design strategies to face the conservative push to restore their power in Latin America.

At the Latin American Progressive Meeting, on the front row, were the Cuban Five and Colonel Orlando Cardosos –- all Cuban Heroes –- who are also visiting Ecuador at the invitation of President Rafael Correa.


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