Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos Says His Country Will Say Farewell to Armed Conflict in 2016

Eldonita de Ivan Martínez
2015-09-30 14:02:17

New York, September 30 (teleSUR-RHC)-- President Juan Manuel Santos proudly told the world that Colombia’s half century of armed conflict is coming to an end, thanks to advances in the three-year peace process between the government and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.

“I feel honored to come to his assembly to share a historic piece of news. I come here to affirm, before the world, that among the more than 20 ongoing armed conflicts in the world, which generate so much pain, so much poverty, so much suffering, there is one -- my country's, Colombia's -- that is on the final path to a real solution," Santos told the UN General Assembly.
He confirmed a date has been set for a final end to the war: March 23, 2016.  Santos said peace will not only be good for Colombia, but the world, as the government will be able to divert resources from war to education, development and climate change.

The president highlighted the efforts his administration is making towards ending the drug trade in Colombia, saying a crop exchange program was implemented last week, which will encourage farmers to switch from illegal to legal crops.


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