Russian President Vladimir Putin Warns of Expansion of Terror Groups from Mideast

Eldonita de Ivan Martínez
2015-10-21 14:36:00


Moscow, October 21 (RHC)-- Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned of the extension of terrorist groups from the Middle East region across the globe. During a meeting with high-ranking military officers in Moscow, Putin said: “Having established a foothold in Syria and some other Middle Eastern countries, the terrorists have built, and continue building plans to increase expansion to destabilize entire regions, have recruited and continue to recruit fighters into their ranks from many countries, including - unfortunately - from Russia and CIS (the Commonwealth of Independent States) countries.”

Putin added that Russian security forces have managed to thwart 20 militant attacks, kill as many as 112 militants and arrest more than 560 suspects so far this year. “We must continue to act as vigorously and effectively. In this regard, it is crucially important to identify the links of Russian-based militants with international terrorist groups and their patrons,” he added.

The Russian president went on to say that his country’s military operation in Syria against terrorists proves that Russia is able to defend itself against any terrorist attack. “As a result of the operation it has been confirmed that Russia is ready to adequately and effectively respond to the terrorist threat and any other threats to our country," said Putin.

Russia launched its air campaign against terrorists, including militants from the Daesh Takfiri group, on September 30. Russia has announced readiness to extend military assistance to Iraq in its battle against the foreign-backed Daesh terrorists.

Moscow has criticized the U.S.-led airstrikes against alleged Daesh positions in Syria and Iraq, saying the aerial campaign has failed to end the Takfiri group’s terrorist activities in crisis-hit zones. The U.S. has also been carrying out its own airstrikes in Syria for more than a year, allegedly pounding Daesh positions inside Syria, which has been gripped by foreign-backed militancy for over four years


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