Ecuadorean Foreign Ministry Says OAS Chief Could Be Removed for 'Inappropriate' Letter to Venezuela's Maduro

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2016-05-21 15:21:13


Quito, May 21 (RHC)-- Ecuador's Foreign Ministry has rejected the recent declarations of Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS) Luis Almagro against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in a communique issued earlier this week.

"The statements made in the document signed by Luis Almagro, unprecedented in form and content, use improper terms and a tone removed of equanimity and restraint required by the representative of an organization that brings together thirty-four states in the hemisphere," read the statement released by the South American nation.

Almagro's “unprecedented” comments are “innapropriate” coming from the representative of an organization counting 34 member-states from the hemisphere and lacked the impartiality required in such circumstances, the ministry said in its statement, quoting the OAS founding charter.

If the secretary-general does not comply with his or her duties, warned Ecuador, the Charter outlined the possibility of Almagro's removal.

Almagro stepped out of diplomatic protocol on Wednesday and penned a hostile tirade to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, saying he refuses to “bow down” and be intimidated by the Venezuelan head of state, while accusing Maduro of spreading lies and sliding toward becoming a “petty dictator.”

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez responded to the letter saying Almagro’s statements increasingly detail his “hatred against Venezuela and its legitimate authorities.” She accused the OAS head of “only repeating scripts dictated by the imperial masters,” adding that Almagro “will never give orders to Venezuela."


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