Havana, November 25 (RHC/Radio Pakistan)-- Pakistan and Cuba have expressed their desire for greater bilateral cooperation. The understanding was reached during the 4th Round of Bilateral Political Consultations between the two nations' Foreign ministries, held in Havana.
Foreign Undersecretary Asad Majeed Khan led the Pakistan delegation, while the Cuban side was headed by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Abelardo Moreno.
Abelardo Moreno thanked Pakistan for its support for Cuba at the UN when the world body has voted on Cuba's resolutions seeking and end to the U.S. blockade. He also expressed appreciation for the Pakistani government's donation to Cuba of 15,000 tons of rice.
Undersecretary Asad Majeed Khan, for his part, thanked Cuba for its assistance following the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan and the granting by Cuba of one thousand medical scholarships for Pakistani students.
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