Belarus Exhibition on Display at FIHAV 2017 in Cuba

Eldonita de Pavel Jacomino
2017-10-31 16:28:59


Minsk, October 31 (RHC-BelTA)-- The national exposition of Belarus is on show at the FIHAV 2017 Havana International Fair which is running in Cuba from 30 October to 3 November, RHC learned from Belinterexpo Company of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Taking part in the national exposition are more than 20 Belarusian organizations and enterprises: Minsk Tractor Works, Gomselmash, Belagromash, Amkodor, Belarusian Steel Works, BelAZ.

The exposition features a collective stand organized by the State Science and Technology Committee to showcase scientific advancements and innovative products.

The opening ceremony of the exposition was held on 30 October. It was attended by Industry Minister of Belarus Vitaly Vovk, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Cuba Alexander Aleksandrov, and also First Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment of Cuba Antonio Luis Carricarte Corona and Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce of Cuba Odalis Seijo Garcia.

Vitaly Vovk said “One of the goals for the Belarusian industry is to advance into the Cuban market more actively. New partners and new mechanisms have recently appeared. Keeping in mind the president's instruction to cooperate closely with Cuba, I am sure that we will implement our ambitious plans. The Cuban market is most interested in the products of MAZ, Amkodor, and MTZ. We also plan to ship Gomselmash vehicles. In general, all the products that are made in Belarus today can be in demand on the Cuban market. There are agreements and there are also many negotiation processes underway,”

An agreement on cooperation between the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Chamber of Commerce of Cuba was signed at the opening ceremony. The Belarusian delegation is expected to hold a number of meetings and negotiations with the leaders of six Cuban ministries and government departments.

The FIHAV exhibition is one of the three largest exhibition events in Latin America. Every year the forum is attended by more than 4,000 companies from 60 countries, including from Brazil, the UK, Vietnam, Spain, Canada, China, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine, France, the Czech Republic, Chile, Ecuador, and South Africa.


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