Cuban Communist Party Central Committee Meets

Eldonita de Lena Valverde Jordi
2017-12-21 17:04:38


Havana, December 21 (RHC-Granma)-- The Cuban Communist Party's Central Committee met on Wednesday, December 20th, with Cuban President Raul Castro, First Secretary of the Party, presiding.

José Ramón Machado Ventura, Second Secretary of the Party, reported on work undertaken by the Political Bureau, in particular that related to the fulfillment of agreements made during the 7th Party Congress.

He said that the leadership body's commissions had analyzed questions related to the implementation of the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines of the Party and the Revolution, as well as the main economic and social issues facing the country.

Ricardo Cabrisas, Minister of Economy and Planning, presented a report on the economy's performance in 2017, as well as the proposed Economic Plan and State Budget for next year.

Marino Murillo, head of the Permanent Policy Implementation and Development Commission, reported on the progress being made on approved Guidelines.

These final points were presented Thursday to deputies in the National Assembly of People's Power, meeting in the 10th Period of Ordinary Sessions of the current legislature.

Before the meeting concluded, President Raúl indicated that next March another meeting of the Central Committee will be held to further analyze progress in the implementation of the Guidelines and consider strategic projections for the coming years.


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