Cuban scientists presented in two forums, held in the United States, the successful results in the use of the new diabetic foot ulcer medication Heberprot-P, which prevents amputation of lower limbs.
The Cuban pharmaceutical was presented at a seminar held by the Pan-American Health Organization in Washington, and at the Conference on the Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers, in Los Angeles, California.
Participating in the meetings were Doctors Jorge Berlanga, creator of Heberprot-P, and Boris Acevedo, an official with the Business Department of the Havana-based Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, which developed the medicine, according the Cuban news agency.
During the conference, Cuban experts with the BioCubaFarma business group explained details of the results obtained in the clinical studies and in the use of the product, which has benefited more than 145,000 patients in the world, and over 28,000 in Cuba.
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28/03/2016 09:01 pmdonde compro la medicina
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