Family Care System covers all municipalities in Cuba

Eldonita de Jorge Ruiz Miyares
2019-08-22 09:33:33

A Family Care System facility in Granma Province

Havana, 21 August (RHC)-- The Family Care System (SAF) is another humanist program implemented in Cuba, with the aim of guaranteeing the quality of life of disadvantaged citizens.


This initiative began in 1998 with the aim of providing meal services to people in vulnerable situations who, in many case, are senior citizens.


At the moment there are 1,437 facilities distributed in all  168 municipalities of Cuba which cater to these people with subsidized food at very low prices.  According to Sonia Mantrana, national director of Gastronomy at the Ministry of Domestic Trade, the system currently benefits

71,674 people.


Mantrana explained that people in need of this services, can request their participation in ikt    through community centers, mass and political organizations.


Each request is evaluated and priority is given to people with disabilities, retirees, elderly people living by themselves, pregnant women at risk and, in a general sense, anyone who cannot access independently to the preparation of food.


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