Havana, April 11 (RHC), – Cuban health workers will lead the massive march that will be staged at Havana’s Revolution Square to mark International Workers Day on May 1st.
Doctor Raquel Toledo, member of the Health Workers Union, told the Cuban News Agency that over 50,000 workers in the sector will march on May Day leading the huge march in support of the call by President Raul Castro to stage a resounding demonstration.
For health workers, their lead of the march is an acknowledgment to their work and the achievement of higher quality and efficiency in assisting the people and to their support of other nations, said the unionist.
The huge bloc will include over 15 thousand nurses, technicians, and 20 thousand workers in the sector who will follow those at the Havana-based International Neurological Restoration Center, of high international prestige. The leading bloc will take more than 20 thousand medical students and their professors along with workers in the areas of medical collaboration and international relations with the Health Ministry.
All these workers along with others from many sectors will gather in the early morning hours of May 1st, around the Revolution square, along with their relatives, to express their support of the Socialist Revolution, its leaders and to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Cuban Workers’ Confederation.
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