U.S. hostility against Cuban health cooperation has victims in all continents

Eldonita de Jorge Ruiz Miyares
2020-02-18 20:16:11


Havana, February 18 (RHC)—Johana Tablada, Deputy Director of the U.S. Desk at the Cuban Foreign Ministry, blasted the U.S. policy of hatred the Trump Administration is waging against Cuba has reached levels never seen before.

On a special Radio Havana Cuba program on the impact of current stepped up hostility against the island aired Tuesday, Tablada unmasked several of the blatant lies used by the U.S. administration in its slander campaign against Cuba.

The official noted that the  U.S. Administration has charged that Cuban health personnel are victims of human trafficking, and is urging host countries to expel Cuban medical cooperation from their territories.

She added that the reality is that the countries where Cuban doctors have been removed are already showing a dramatic worsening of health indicators such as infant and mother mortality rates.

“Human traffickers in countries where Cuban health care personnel was removed should be very happy,  now that the U.S. is spending precious resources in going after Cuban doctors, instead of going after traffickers and transnational crime,”  said Tablada.

Professor Doctor, Mitchell Valdes,  Director-General of the Havana-based Center for Neuro Sciences,  also participated in the program. He noted that although the U.S. Administration says that the measures are aimed at the Cuban government, their impact is broad and covers the Cuban people, people in third countries, and even the population of the United States.

He recalled that the Cuban biotechnology industry was created to help people and is not for profit. When the U.S. deprives that industry of ways to acquire its raw materials, its effects go beyond the domestic realm.

“Cuba signed an agreement during the Obama Administration to introduce certain pharmaceuticals that would help save the lives of Americans with treatment for cancer. But this was aborted by the current Administration”, said Valdes.

The entire audio of the special program is available at https://teveo.cu/media/YyBAWE2fh5skcq6T


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