Cuba's National Rebellion Day commemorated in the United Kingdom 

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2022-07-26 18:36:24


Photo: Prensa Latina.

London, July 26 (RHC)-- Cuba solidarity activists, politicians, trade unionists, parliamentarians and members of the diplomatic corps accredited in the United Kingdom commemorated this Tuesday in London the Day of National Rebellion in the Caribbean island.

"July 26 is and will be one of the most important dates in the long and heroic struggle of our people for their independence," said the Caribbean island's ambassador to the United Kingdom, Barbara Montalvo, at the beginning of the commemorative gala held at the Bolivar Hall in London.

The diplomat recalled that on that day in 1953, the then lawyer Fidel Castro, led by a group of young people, tried to take the Moncada Barracks, the second Cuban military fortress located in the eastern province of Santiago de Cuba.

She added that despite the failure of the armed action, it was an inspiring gesture that marked the resumption of the national liberation movement that began with the first war of independence in 1868, and culminated with the triumph of January 1, 1959.

Sixty-nine years after Moncada, we have the same faith in the destiny of the country, the same confidence in the virtues of our people and the same capacity to resist, survive, recover, renew ourselves and continue, above all, with the same certainty of victory, said Montalvo.

The musical segment of the National Rebellion Day gala was in charge of Cuban pianist and composer Eralys Fernández, who interpreted several pieces by Federico Chopin, La comparsa, by her compatriot Ernesto Lecuona, and a Venezuelan joropo.

In the audience were Baroness Gloria Hooper, member of the House of Lords of the British Parliament, the chairwomen of the British Communist Party and the Communist Party of Great Britain - Marxist Leninist, Ruth Styles and Ella Rules, respectively.

Also in attendance were Jonathan Silverman, board member of the Communist League, representatives of British trade unions, the director of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Rob Miller, Cubans living in the UK and scholarship holders from the Caribbean island.




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