Foreign businessmen show interest in participating in Fihav 2022

Eldonita de Catherin López
2022-10-25 08:08:10


Carricarte emphasized that the event is consolidating itself as the most important commercial exchange of Cuba and the Caribbean, and one of the most representative in Latin America. Photo: ACN

Havana, Oct 25 (RHC) The president of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Cuba (CCC), Antonio Carricarte reported Monday that registration for FIHAV, Havana International Fair (November 14 to 18) is still open to foreign businessmen, but there is already an interest in participating and so far 60 countries and 400 companies have confirmed their presence.


At a press conference, the head of the Chamber of Commerce pointed out that 30 chamber delegations are expected to attend -13 are headed by their presidents-, one of the largest numbers in the history of the fair.


As for Cuban companies, Carricarte said that some 170 have already registered (140 state-owned companies, in addition to cooperatives, MSMEs, among other economic actors), which, as usual, will

exhibit their exportable goods and services in the central pavilion of Expocuba, in Havana.


He specified that this space "is practically occupied" and another smaller pavilion will be set up.


The president of the Chamber of Commerce pointed out that the fair will take place at a time of complexity, with an international economic crisis derived from the pandemic, a situation that is aggravated on the island by the tightening of the economic, commercial, and financial blockade imposed by the United States.


However, he said that the event paused for two years due to the pandemic, is consolidated as the most important general commercial exchange in Cuba and the Caribbean, and is one of the most representative in Latin America.


"Fihav will be an ideal scenario to showcase the achievements and progress of the Cuban biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry; promote the possibilities open to foreign investment in wholesale and retail trade, and promote projects in key sectors such as agribusiness and renewable energies," Carricarte said.


He also listed some of the events that will take place during the event. Among them are the Fifth Investment Forum and presentation of the new portfolio of opportunities with foreign capital, and a panel of business opportunities for Cubans living abroad.


He added that the tenth edition of Expo Aladi 2023, organized by the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI), will also be held in Cuba, as well as the signing and updating of agreements. (Source: Cubadebate)


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