President of Cuba appoints head of government and his cabinet

Eldonita de Beatriz Montes de Oca
2023-04-19 18:07:45


President of Cuba appoints head of government and his cabinet


Havana, April 19 (RHC) - After his reelection as president of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel proposed this Wednesday to ratify Manuel Marrero Cruz as prime minister.

In the constitutive session of the 10th Legislature of the National Assembly of People’s Power, his proposal was approved by a majority of votes, taking into account that Marrero Cruz’s previous administration took place in a complex context marked by the Covid-19pandemic, the intensification of the blockade of the United States and the confrontation with difficult national situations.

In addition, his role in strengthening the economy and the work of the different structures of popular power, as well as his direct work with the people, was recognized.

Díaz-Canel also proposed ratifying Ramiro Valdés, Inés María Chapman, Jorge Luis Tapia, Jorge Luis Perdomo, Ricardo Cabrisas -who was also proposed as Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment- as vice prime ministers, as well as Alejandro Gil as head of Economy and Planning.

He also stated that there is a renewal in the Council of Ministers with six new proposals, which provides stability to face the complex economic situation of the country.

Nayma Ariatne Trujillo will hold the position of Minister of Education, Walter Baluja, of Higher Education; Vladimir Regueiro, Finance and Prices; Division General Raúl Acosta, as president of the National Institute of Territorial Planning and Urban Planning; and Alfonso Noya of the Institute of Information and Social Communication -formerly the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television.

The President of Cuba recognized the work of those who previously performed these functions in complex national and international situations.

He also proposed ratifying José Amado Ricardo as secretary of the Council of Ministers, in addition to the current ministers of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, Ministry of Interior, of the Constructions, External relationships, Transport, Science, Technology and Environment, Work and Social Security.

The main representatives of the portfolios of Justice, Domestic Trade, Culture, Public Health, Agriculture, Tourism, Central Bank, Food Industry, Industries, Energy and Mines will also remain; in addition to the presidents of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources and Sports and Recreation. (Source: Prensa Latina)


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