Cuba will host congress on international economic order

Eldonita de Beatriz Montes de Oca
2024-04-26 20:41:48


Cuba will host congress on international economic order


Havana, April 26 (RHC) Cuba confirmed today the upcoming celebration in the island of the Second International Congress on the imbalances of the world, the urgency of peace and development, and the need for a New International Economic Order (NIEO).

As announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the event will be held on April 29 and 30, based on a joint call made by the Progressive International and the National Association of Economists and Accountants of Cuba.

The meeting will take place on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the declaration and program of action on the establishment of a New International Economic Order, approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on May 1, 1974.

In the opinion of the Foreign Ministry, the NIEO constituted a milestone in the struggle of the countries of the South for international economic justice and for their development.

The Congress has the purpose of promoting the exchange and contribution of distinguished economists, academics, experts and politicians from around the world, and other interested people, on the problems that hinder development and world peace, as a consequence of an unbalanced international economic, political, scientific-technological and military order. (Source: PL)


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