Havana, December 6 (RHC) -- The IX Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba has been called for the 12th and 13th of December, with the purpose of analyzing vital issues of the Cuban economy and society, in the midst of the complex scenario that the country faces.
The evaluation of the fulfillment of the Government's projections to correct distortions and re-boost the economy, the draft Economic Plan and Budget for 2025, the attention to state and non-state economic actors, and the actions against the deviations and negative tendencies in the current Cuban society will be the focus of the attention of the members of the highest governing body of the Party between Congresses.
The 9th Plenum of the Central Committee will also include on its agenda the systematic accountability of the Political Bureau on its work and decisions at this stage.
The meeting will ratify the Party's leading role in ensuring and leading the country's main programs and priorities. (Source: Granma)