Cuban Heroes Condemn Attacks on French Weekly Magazine

Eldonita de Ivan Martínez
2015-01-16 12:57:36


Havana, January 16 (RHC-PL) -- Cuban counter-terrorists René González and Ramón Labañino expressed Thursday their condemnation of the attack against the weekly magazine Charlie Hebdo, when signing the condolence book at the French Embassy in Havana.

During this act of solidarity, Labañino recalled that fighting terrorism has always been a bastion of the Cuban Revolution, which for 56 years has itself suffered from the ravages of this scourge, through bombs and other attacks.

As counter-terrorists, he said, we know first-hand the profound pain felt by the peoples of the world. We have suffered from terrorism for many years, he stated in reference to the terrorist actions perpetrated by more than half a century against Cuba and its Revolution, resulting in thousands of victims. And Ramon added that at this time of grief for the French people, we join with them in solidarity.

For his part, René expressed that The Five and Cubans in general know the impact of these types of actions. As Cubans, we understand the pain of the French people, because throughout our history we have mourned for our victims. Hopefully, this will make us think and we can build a world with more love and less hatred so that there is less terrorism.


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