Ramón Labañino Attends September 5th Commemorations in Cienfuegos

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2015-09-04 14:17:27


Cienfuegos, September 4 (RHC) -– Cuban Hero Ramón Labañino is in the central province of Cienfuegos as a guest of honor to the commemorations of the 58th anniversary of the Popular Uprising of September 5th.

On September 5th, 1957, residents of Cienfuegos, along with revolutionaries from the 26th of July movement, carried out a popular uprising. The plan was to coordinate actions in Havana and Santiago de Cuba, but there was a communications breakdown and the uprising went ahead in Cienfuegos without the coordinated attacks. Area residents in Cienfuegos took over parts of the city for 24 hours before the uprising was put down by the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista. During deadly indiscriminate bombings of neighborhoods taken over by the rebels, Batista's forces killed more than 30 people -- many of the bodies thrown into a common grave.

During his visit, Ramon Labañino, accompanied by local authorities, has toured places of interest in the province, including a newly-inaugurated medical center, where he was briefed on the ongoing rehabilitation program of health care facilities in Cienfuegos.


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