Havana Trade Fair Will Gather 900 Companies from 70 Nations

Eldonita de Ivan Martínez
2015-10-13 13:34:57


Havana, October 13 (RHC)-- Some 900 companies from 70 countries of the world will attend Havana´s International Trade Fair, November 2-7, at its traditional Expocuba exhibit ground, in the outskirts of the Cuban capital.

In statements to reporters, Foreign Trade and Investment minister Rodrigo Malmierca said that the number of participating companies will make the fair its largest event in the past 10 years.

The growing interest by the world entrepreneurial community in attending the fair reveals how much obsolete is the US economic blockade against the island, which has limited commercial exchange with the rest of the world but it has not been able to prevent it, the minister pointed out.

This year´s fair will aim at promoting the products on the Cuban export portfolio, including professional and technical services, which now represent 70 percent of all sales of the island abroad.

A second version of Cuba's business portfolio will be launched during the fair in an effort to show the guarantees for foreign investment. This second version includes projects oriented to the creation of productive chains, and business opportunities in sectors with poor presence in the previous version.

In comparison with previous fairs, the countries with a growing participation in this year´s event are Panama, Venezuela and Brazil, while newcomers are the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait.



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