Cuban Lung Cancer Vaccines a Hope for Living

Eldonita de Pavel Jacomino
2016-02-15 17:00:29


Santa Clara, February 15 (RHC)-- Two Cuban lung cancer vaccines raise the hope of living for patients with an advanced stage of that disease.  The head of the Oncology services at Santa Clara University Hospital, Ana Victoria Torre, said that the vaccines activate the patients´ immunological system to fight cancerous cells.

The vaccines are known as CimaVax and Racotumomab, which delay the spread of cancer in the body.  The two products are still under clinical tests, although they have proven successful in Cuba.

Meanwhile, Fernando Cabanillas, director of the Cancer Center at the Santa Clara hospital, explained that the vaccines are being administered following chemo and radiotherapy treatment with different results.  Some patients may live for several more months; others extend their lives for years, despite the advanced stage of their disease. 


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