Illustrative image taken from Uneac
By María Josefina Arce
Cuba lights up again as it does every January 27 with the traditional March of the Torches, which takes place throughout the length and breadth of the country. Cubans of different generations will pay tribute to Cuba's National Hero, José Martí, on the eve of his 171st birthday, whose thought has transcended time and gone beyond our borders, being a worldwide reference, especially in our America.
It is a date that summons us to reflect on the importance and urgency of daily applying his ideology, impregnated with a deep love for the homeland, independence, Latin Americanism, anti-imperialism, solidarity and humanism, which are part of the essence of the Cuban revolution.
Martí advocated for the full dignity of man, for social justice, principles that have governed the actions of the revolution since its triumph in January 1959.
Access to health, education and other essential human rights for all citizens would begin to be a reality from that moment on in Cuba, under the sure leadership of the historic leader of the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro, in whom Marti's thought converged.
In every social project carried out during all these years in the Cuban territory, the thought of the National Hero and his yearnings for progress are undoubtedly present.