Cuban foreign minister: We defend the right of law, not the right of force

Édité par Ed Newman
2024-04-09 15:40:40


Speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, at the Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting of CELAC to examine the breach of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 

April 9, 2024.

Dear Foreign Minister Enrique Reina, 
Dear Ministers and other representatives of our region,

We thank the Pro Tempore Presidency of Honduras for the timely convening of this meeting.  We likewise support the convening of a Summit-Meeting of Presidents and Prime Ministers of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States later this week.

Mr. Chairman:

Cuba condemns, in the strongest terms, the violent raid by the Ecuadorian police on the diplomatic headquarters of Mexico in Quito on April 5, which constitutes a flagrant violation of International Law, in particular the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the right to asylum and the sovereignty of Mexico.  It is a serious, unacceptable act that admits no justification whatsoever. 

The principle of the inviolability of diplomatic facilities and their personnel, which must be respected in all cases by the receiving State, in accordance with International Law, was violated. 

The physical integrity and dignity of Mexican diplomats was violated, which is a reprehensible act.

We defend the force of law, not the right to force. 

The violation of Mexico's sovereignty alarms us all. It should alarm us all, without exception, and we all have the responsibility to denounce it firmly.  Otherwise, we would be setting a very serious precedent, which would jeopardize international relations and cooperation among States, even beyond our region.  

Dear Ministers, distinguished representatives,

Latin America and the Caribbean is and must continue to be a Zone of Peace, as proclaimed by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, which met ten years ago in Havana, with the signature of the Heads of State and Government.

Dialogue and negotiation are the only acceptable ways to resolve the differences between our nations, in accordance with the principles of International Law and in full compliance with the Charter of the United Nations.

We call on CELAC to react with a firm and united voice in the face of these unacceptable events, which have an impact on our entire Community. 

Cuba proposes that Honduras, in its capacity as Pro Tempore Presidency of CELAC, reflecting the feelings that this ministerial meeting and the preceding interventions will surely show, issue a Communiqué as a matter of urgency.

This statement should include the following main elements, among others that could be agreed upon:

1. To denounce, categorically, the violation perpetrated against the diplomatic premises of Mexico in Quito and the aggression against its diplomatic personnel.

2. Urge the government of Ecuador to strictly comply with its international obligations and to act in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

3. To call upon the parties concerned to use dialogue or any other recourse within international law to resolve their differences. 

4. To endorse the validity of the postulates of the Proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace and the commitment of all our States of our region to its strict observance.

Dear colleagues, distinguished representatives,

As our President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez timely and earlier conveyed, we reiterate Cuba's full solidarity and support to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to Secretary Alicia Bárcena, to the government of Mexico and to the dear and brotherly Mexican people in the face of the unacceptable violation and violation of their Embassy in Quito.

Mexico can and will count on our disposition and willingness to accompany them in the actions they undertake in the face of this serious transgression of International Law. 

Thank you very much.



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