Boston Globe editorial blasts Trump's policy of taking children from migrant parents

Édité par Pavel Jacomino
2018-06-20 15:19:52

Boston Globe editorial blasts Trump's policy of taking children from parents.  Photo: Google

Boston, June 20 (RHC)-- In an editorial by the leading U.S. newspaper The Boston Globe, the Trump administration's policy of separating children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border was the subject of strong words.  

In the op-ed, Trump's 32-year-old senior adviser, Steven Miller, was accused of being “the brains” behind the family separation crisis at the border, which the Boston Globe called “a shameful national crisis born of cruelty, incompetence, and prejudice.”

The opinion piece notes that “there is no law that mandates the punishment of children — they are being punished solely for their parents’ perceived sins.  Many will doubtlessly suffer lasting trauma as a result.  To make the tragedy even worse, the White House has not established a proper procedure to reunite kids with parents.”

The Boston Globe editorial continues: “While the administration created this crisis, and should be held accountable for it, Congress must be expected to alleviate it.  Congressional Republicans have increasingly criticized the administration’s tactics, but they have the power to do more than talk.  Congress should stand up to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and clarify, through legislation if necessary, that fleeing extreme gang violence indeed constitutes grounds to apply for asylum protections here.  It must also fund an increase in resources to the immigration courts system, already straining with a massive backlog in asylum cases.

“The chaotic, tragic scenes at the border are what happens when inexperienced crackpots run the country.  Miller’s fingerprints are all over this crisis, and showing him the door would be a first step toward ending it.”


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