Iranian foreign minister affirms any peace plan ignoring rights of Palestinians doomed to failure

Édité par Ed Newman
2019-07-22 23:30:53


Caracas, July 23 (RHC)-- Iran’s foreign minister has slammed the U.S. administration’s “desperate attempts” to impose its pro-Israel “peace” plan on Palestine, saying any initiative that would ignore the rights of the Palestinian nation in favor of the occupying Tel Aviv regime is doomed to failure.

Speaking at the Palestine committee of the Non-Aligned Movement in Caracas, Venezuela over the weekend, Mohammad Javad Zarif said: “Any initiative that would forgo international law and run counter to the Palestinians’ human and political rights would not succeed, would be unfair and would undoubtedly fail with humiliation.”

Zarif was referring to a so-called peace deal being drawn up by the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump with the intention of ending the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  Several leaks indicate that the plan — which Trump calls "The Deal of the Century’ — is hugely biased towards Israel and seems more to be aimed at consolidating the Tel Aviv regime’s occupation of Palestinian territories.

Last month, the U.S. held a conference in Bahrain, where Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor — who has been compiling the plan — unveiled the economic portion of the initiate, in what Palestinians called a “humiliating blackmail.”

Palestinians of all political leanings in blockaded Gaza and the occupied West Bank have rejected Trump’s deal as “The Slap of the Century.”


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