Global COVID-19 caseload exceeds 22 million

Édité par Ed Newman
2020-08-19 11:29:37


Washington, August 19 (RHC)-- More than 22 million cases of coronavirus have now been reported around the world, according to Johns Hopkins University.

The first cases were reported in the central Chinese city of Wuhan late last year.

The United States has now confirmed the most cases, followed by Brazil, India, Russia and South Africa.  The U.S. has also recorded the most deaths.

Coronavirus cases

U.S. - 5,481,557
Brazil - 3,407,354
India - 2,702,742
Russia - 930,276
South Africa - 592,144
Coronavirus deaths

U.S. - 171,687
Brazil - 109,888
Mexico - 57,023
India - 51,797
UK - 41,466


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