More than 900 arbitrary arrests of demonstrators recorded in Colombia

Édité par Ed Newman
2021-05-07 11:19:54


Despite the fact that the demonstrations are peaceful, excessive use of force by state agents has been denounced in several cities in the country. | Photo: Colprensa

Bogota, May 7 (RHC)-- More than 900 arbitrary detentions have been registered during the repression by agents of the Mobile Anti-Riot Squad (ESMAD) and the Colombian Army against demonstrators who reject the neoliberal policies of President Ivan Duque.  According to Plataforma Grita, a new balance published this Thursday notes that since the beginning of the National Strike, last April 28th, and until May 6th, there have been 934 arbitrary detentions, 1,728 cases of police violence and 234 victims of physical violence.

In addition, it reports a total of 341 violent interventions, 37 deaths, 26 people with eye injuries, 98 cases of gun shots by police officers and 11 victims of sexual violence.

Despite the fact that the demonstrations have been carried out peacefully, excessive use of force by State agents has been denounced in several cities of the country.  On Wednesday night, new violent actions by Colombian security forces were recorded in the town of Pereira, where at least two young people died, identified as Lucas Villa and Miguel Ciro, while several were injured.

Videos were published on social networks showing agents shooting at the demonstration of young people who were rejecting the measures of the Duque government and demanding the vindication of their rights.

Several social, human rights and international organizations have spoken out against the acts of violence against demonstrators during the nine days of protests since the beginning of the National Strike in the country.



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