Air France and Airbus exonerated in trial for AF447 tragedy
Havana, April 17 (RHC) - The Paris Correctional Court acquitted Air France and European manufacturer Airbus on Monday in the "involuntary manslaughter" trial for the crash of flight AF447 14 years ago, in which 228 people died.
According to the French courts, the causal link between the offenses committed and the disaster of the A330-200 plane on June 1, 2009, when it fell into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean while en route from Rio de Janeiro to the Charles de Gaulle airport, could not be proved.
In this way, the Court opted for the version of the Prosecutor's Office, which argued that it could not determine the responsibility of Air France and Airbus in the process carried out from October 10 to December 8.
Although the verdict was foreseeable, the civil parties showed discomfort over it, after demanding an impartial decision for months.
The accident in which human beings of 33 nationalities died, including 72 French and 58 Brazilians, was attributed to the freezing of the Pitot tubes, probes arranged in the fuselage key for their role in measuring speed based on pressure difference.
After the catastrophe, these probes were improved worldwide and technical modifications related to crew training in various phases of the flight were issued. However, experts believe it could have been done earlier.
In a statement, Air France regretted the terrible event, expressed its condolences to the relatives and assured that it will always remember the victims.
For the lawyer for civil parties David Koubbi, nothing justifies that a plane with 228 human beings on board took off from Rio without reaching its destination. In this regard, the jurist considered that justice "only covered half the road", by acknowledging faults and damages but not responsibility. (Source: Prensa Latina)