Yemen reports Saudi-led war killed more than 8,000 children since 2015

Édité par Ed Newman
2023-08-16 09:53:06


Sanaa, August 16 (RHC)-- Yemen’s human rights minister says the Saudi-led war of aggression on the impoverished country has left at least 8,000 children dead since 2015.  In a statement on released in Sanaa, Ali al-Dailami said that Yemeni children are falling victim either directly or indirectly to the continuing Saudi-led aggression, whether as a result of mines, cluster bombs, explosive remnants of the war or the tight blockade.

The Yemense official once again denounced the 2018 Saudi-led coalition airstrike in Yemen’s northwestern province of Sa’ada that killed at least 51 children and wounded at least 76 more near a school bus in the busy market of Dhahyan.

Dailami expressed deep regret over the decline in human values and the absence of fairness in the so-called international humanitarian institutions.  And he condemned the attempts to whitewash crimes being perpetrated against Yemeni children, saying the bids come at the same time as hollow claims about measures to protect the children’s lives and rights.

“Such behavior is a major scandal for the international community, as it shows that deals have been concluded at the expense of the blood of Yemeni children,” he said.

Saudi Arabia initiated a brutal war of aggression against Yemen in March 2015, enlisting the assistance of some of its regional allies, including the United Arab Emirates, as well as massive shipments of advanced weaponry from the U.S. and Western Europe.

The Western governments further extended their political and logistical support to Riyadh in their failed bid to restore power in Yemen to the country’s former Saudi-installed government.  The former Yemeni government’s president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, resigned from the presidency in late 2014 and later fled to Riyadh amid a political conflict with Ansarullah.  The movement has been running Yemen’s affairs in the absence of a functioning administration.

The war further led to the killing of tens of thousands of Yemenis and turned the entire nation into the scene of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis


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