Berlin, October 30 (RHC)-- In Germany, 1,000 climate activists with the group Last Generation and Extinction Rebellion Netherlands blockaded a major road in Berlin over the weekend. Some demonstrators glued themselves to the road’s surface.
Dozens were arrested in their latest act of peaceful civil disobedience as they demand the German government transition to a fossil fuel-free economy by 2030.
One organizer of the protests told reporters: “As healthcare workers, we are already seeing the first consequences of people dying because it’s too hot in the summer, that people with preexisting conditions suffer more and more, that old people, or especially vulnerable groups, are the first to be affected in extreme weather. But even if we think that none of this affects us because we are young and healthy enough, when flood waves come, as they did suddenly and violently in the Ahr Valley, or forest fires, as we have seen on the news several times, none of us is safe. The climate crisis affects us all, and the climate crisis kills.”