Venezuelan president approves the creation of the First Antifascist International

Édité par Ed Newman
2024-09-12 08:54:41


Caracas, September 12 (RHC)-- The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, approved this Wednesday the creation of the Antifascist International, a movement that seeks to bring together the progressive and democratic forces of the world against the advance of fascism and the global extreme right.

During the closing of the World Congress against Fascism, Neofascism and other Similar Expressions, which took place in Caracas, the Venezuelan president approved the new international body as a measure to confront the violence that the extreme right is generating in the South American nation and in the rest of the world.

In addition, during his speech, the president condemned the attempts of imperialism to carry out coups in countries of the region against alternative, independent governments, such as those of Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua.

The head of state also expressed solidarity with the victims of fascism and the Venezuelan extreme right, denouncing the international silence regarding the crimes of that political sector.  The Venezuelan president also announced that the city of Caracas will be the headquarters of the new organization.  

“The creation of an Antifascist, anticolonialist, anti-imperialist International that fights for a new world has been proposed.  Those delegates of this World Antifascist Congress who agree with this proposal, please raise your hands.  Approved!  The Antifascist International has been created.”

The Bolivarian leader said that the coordinating committee of this new body will be operating from Caracas.

The Venezuelan head of state asserted that the silence of the international community in the face of the violence of the global extreme right is increasingly evident, assuring that it is not defending the truth.

Referring to the recent attempted coup in Venezuela following elections held in July, he said that “no one [among the opposition and critics] comes out to defend the victims, the relatives of those who were murdered, the people who were murdered returning from their work, from their daily activities.”

“No one comes out to make visible the pain of these families.  No one comes out to defend the two sergeants of the National Guard who were captured, beaten and shot."


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