Venezuela strongly rejects new sanctions imposed by Washington

Édité par Ed Newman
2024-09-13 14:25:02


Caracas, September 13 (RHC)-- The Venezuelan Government has issued an official statement in response to the recent unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States against Venezuelan state officials. 

In a categorical statement, Venezuela describes these actions as a "new crime of aggression" and rejects them "in the strongest terms."

The statement from the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry denounces that these measures, wrongly called "sanctions," are "illegitimate and illegal."  It highlights that this action demonstrates "once again, its total disregard for international law, the self-determination of peoples and the democratic will of Venezuelans."

The document states that these measures “break and violate the agreements signed in Qatar” and describes them as an attempt to “impose on an entire country and its political institutions [a] ‘regime change’ as part of the Monroe Doctrine.”

The statement points to the U.S. government, describing it as “the most hostile and bloodthirsty power that humanity has ever known, responsible for millions of murders in the world with genocidal partners and a history of indifference to the needs of its own citizens.”

Faced with these measures, Venezuela affirms that it “will continue to achieve achievements, strengthening its economy, consolidating its participatory and leading democratic process and, above all, strengthening its ties with other nations of the world that do understand diplomacy, respect and cooperation for mutual benefit.”

The Venezuelan government affirms that the “multicentric and pluripolar world” of which the late President Hugo Chavez spoke, has become a reality and there will be no aggression or threat that will separate the Homeland of Bolivar from its leading role.”


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