Social Movements in Ecuador Begin National Debate on Inheritance Tax and Laws Limiting Capital Gains

Édité par Ivan Martínez
2015-06-23 12:24:05


Quito, June 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Confederation of Indigenous and Farmer Organizations (FEI) is one of the many social movements participating in the national debate on the inheritance tax bill and law for limiting capital gains.

They largely see these measures as re-distributive and promoting greater social equality. "There should be a dialogue among all sectors of the country. But this dialogue should not just be about the inheritance tax and capital gains. It needs to be expanded, for example more just and equal development models,” said President of the FEI Jose Agualsaca.

Following sporadic violence at right-wing protests the government has temporarily suspended the bills in the National Assembly and has encouraged discussion among citizens in organizations such as FEI. "We are here discussing these bills, and I think that it is good to internally analyze these current events. It is good and it is strengthening our organizations," said Carmen Tene, a leader of the Saraguro indigenous community.

However, opposition leaders as well as the chambers of commerce of Quito and Guayaquil have expressed that they are unwilling to engage in debate, but rather want the bills completely discarded, and will continue protesting the measures. "They sold and put our country into debt,” business owner Romolo Sanchez told teleSUR, referring to the opposition.

President Rafael Correa has said that a coup is in the making, and the opposition is working to destabilize the country. He has said he hopes the debates will lead to a national consensus on these bills, which seek to create greater social equality.


The results of citizen debates on the law for capital gains and the inheritance tax will be evaluated on September 15, and it will be determined if these bills will be resubmitted to the National Assembly.


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