British Foreign Secretary Says Israel Wants Permanent Standoff with Iran

Édité par Ivan Martínez
2015-07-16 15:17:00


London, July 16 (RHC)-- Britain's Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond says Israel seeks a "permanent standoff" with Iran, noting that the Tel Aviv regime would not have welcomed any kind of conclusion to the nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 group.

"Israel wants a permanent state of standoff and I don't believe that's in the interests of the region, I don't believe it's in our interest," Hammond told the House of Commons on Wednesday a day after Iran and the P5+1 group -- the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany -- reached a conclusion on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in the Austrian capital city of Vienna.

The senior British diplomat made the remarks in response to criticism by opposition lawmaker Ian Austin, who said that the conclusion of the talks between Tehran and the six world powers has "utterly dismayed" Israel.

The Israeli regime has on numerous occasions expressed opposition to the talks between Iran and the P5+1 group and the conclusion of the negotiations over Tehran's nuclear program.

Addressing the opposition MP, Hammond said: "The question you have to ask yourself is what kind of a deal would have been welcomed in Tel Aviv. The answer of course is that Israel doesn't want any deal with Iran."

Hammond also criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who described the conclusion of talks over Iran's nuclear program as a "stunning, historic mistake."

Meanwhile, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power on Wednesday submitted a draft resolution to the Security Council on the outcome of the nuclear talks between Tehran and the world powers. An unnamed source was quoted by AFP as saying that a vote on the draft resolution, which seeks formal UN endorsement of the outcome of the talks, could come as early as July 20th or 21st.


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