Trump Hits Record High in New Republican Poll

Édité par Juan Leandro
2015-09-05 15:03:31

New York, September 5 (RHC)-- Donald Trump has hit a new high in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, new poll suggests.  According to a survey by Monmouth University, Trump now enjoys a 30 percent support nationally.

The real estate magnate has scored a four-point gain over the same survey that was carried out before the first GOP debate.  Trailing behind the reality TV star was Ben Carson who took a distant second place in the poll, taking only 18 percent of the support.  It is worth mentioning however that the retired neurosurgeon has performed really well in the polls over the past month.  He only had 5 percent support in the same poll back in early August.

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas both took 8 percent support, followed by Florida Senator Marco Rubio with five, and former businesswoman Carly Fiorina and Mike Huckabee at four percent each.

Scott Walker's support kept taking a nosedive as he fell into 8th place with only three percent support.  The Wisconsin governor was in third place in the same poll before the first Republican debate, scoring 11 percent of the voters' support.

Chris Christie, John Kasich and Sen. Rand Paul each sit at the bottom of the list with a measly two percent support.

According to the poll, Trump is also the leading candidate in ideological categories. Tea Party supporters, and Republicans who identify as very conservative, somewhat conservative, and liberal, prefer the billionaire as their future president.  Trump as also leading among men, women, young people and old people.

Favorability rate for Trump has also seen a dramatic change, where in June it was only 20 percent positive and 55 percent negative. However, he's now standing at 59 percent positive and 29 percent negative.

"The fact that the only one who can challenge Trump is the only other candidate who has never held or run for elected office speaks volumes to the low regard GOP voters have for the establishment," said Patrick Murray, Monmouth University polling director.

"Conservative activists believe the Republican Party has abandoned its principles. Moderates feel their leadership is ineffective," Murray added.  "So Republican voters have created their own job description for the next nominee -- wanted: Someone who can shake up Washington; No elected officials need apply."

Sixty-seven percent of the Republicans surveyed said that the U.S. needs a president from outside of the government so that he can bring fresh perspective to the White House, while only 26 percent wanted someone with government experience.

A total of 366 registered Republicans took part in The Monmouth University poll which was conducted between August 31 and September 2 and has a 5.1 percentage-point margin of error.


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