Earth tremor felt almost all over Cuba

Édité par Jorge Ruiz Miyares
2020-01-28 16:12:38


Havana, January 28 (RHC)-- A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 was recorded Tuesday afternoon, January 28, in southwestern Cuba, with a depth of 10 kilometers.   

According to reports on social media, the tremor was perceptible in the provinces of Guantánamo, Santiago de Cuba, Holguín, Las Tunas, Camagüey, Cienfuegos, Havana, Pinar del Río and the Special Municipality of the Isle of Youth.

Journalist Betty Beatón Ruiz, from Santiago de Cuba, reported on her Facebook profile that while the Seismological Research Center processes data, the estimate reported in that province was of 6.7 degrees of magnitude in the Richter Scale.

Other countries where the tremor was felt were the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Jamaica,  Haiti, and Mexico.

The Head of the National Seismological Service Dr. Enrique Arango Arias, told local media outlets that there is no danger of tsunami for Cuba


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