56 groups in the US urge Biden-Harris administration to normalize relations with Cuba

Édité par Jorge Ruiz Miyares
2021-02-10 23:14:04


Washington, D.C. February 10 (RHC) Dozens of U.S. organizations sent a letter to the Biden-Harris administration, urging the administration to take immediate action to fulfill a  campaign promise by reversing the failed Trump policies that continue to inflict harm on Cubans and their families.

The 56 signatory institutions include human rights and advocacy groups, faith-based organizations, Cuban-American groups, environmental and academic organizations, and business groups.

The letter details specific policy recommendations that the administration should take to initiate a more constructive policy of engagement toward the Caribbean island and makes the case that it is in the interest of the United States, and in the interest of the Cuban people, to move rapidly toward a more normal relationship.

It also urges Congress to build on these measures through legislative action that ends restrictions and moves towards the full ending of the U.S. embargo.

Geoff Thale, President of the Washington Office on Latin America, says, “Trump-era policies did nothing to advance either the relationship between the U.S. and Cuba or the wellbeing of the Cuban people. Important developments are happening on the island and growing support in the U.S. for more open relations with Cuba.”

 Lisa Haugaard, Co-Director of the Latin America Working Group, says, “The Biden-Harris administration has the power to put Cuba policy back on the right track with the stroke of a pen. It’s time to get back to dialogue between our nations and to free our peoples to work together on the problems that face us all.”

The recommendations are part of a widely supported effort to normalize U.S.-Cuba relations, increase engagement between the two countries, and end the U.S. embargo on Cuba.

Signers from the faith, Cuban-American, business, and grassroots organizations underscored their support.  


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