Silvio Rodríguez captivates Mexico's National Auditorium: Viva Cuba! resounds from the audience

Édité par Jorge Ruiz Miyares
2022-06-07 16:30:17


Mexico City, June 7 (RHC)-- Cuban singer-songwriter returned to a packed audience at the  National Auditorium Theater in Mexico City, after 8 years of absence.

An enthusiastic crowd welcomed Silvio, Monday night in the first of two concerts in that venue. 

The emotion of the faithful followers of the icon of Latin American song, who filled the first of two dates of the La espera terminó tour, was tangible.

The 75-year-old singer opened with a "¡Viva México!" and began his repertoire of poetry, love, deep stories and well-known hymns, hand in hand with diverse rhythms that seduced some 10,000 attendees.

Between each song, the troubadour gave a brief introduction of what was to be heard.

According to media reviews of the concert, Rodríguez's intact voice and his guitar captivated the audience.

Silvio Rodriguez's performances will conclude with a free concert on Friday at El Zocalo in Mexico.


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