China Funds New Port Terminal in Eastern Santiago de Cuba

Édité par Juan Leandro
2014-08-19 14:45:32


Havana, August 19 (RHC) -— A Chinese credit line will allow the setting up of a multi-purpose port terminal in eastern Santiago de Cuba, the second largest city in Cuba, located 850 kilometers from the capital, Havana.

The credit line was one of the accords signed during the recent visit here by China’s President Xi Jinping, according to Radio China International. The investment costs amount to over 100 million dollars, said port director general, Leonardo Naranjo, speaking to Cuban television.

The project includes s 200-meter pier with three cranes and two warehouses, as well as the purchase of off-loading equipment.

The Santiago de Cuba harbor project will be the island’s second deep-water harbor after Mariel, some 45 kilometers west of Havana, which is the first Special Development Zone in Cuba.



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