Photo: ACN
Havana, May 14 (RHC) The Cuban Firefighters Corps (CBC) paid tribute today to the Martyrs of Patria Street, 55 years after counterrevolutionaries paid by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency caused a major deflagration in several of its warehouses in 1968.
Iván Lugo Machado and Elías Moya Téllez lost their lives in the sabotage and an act of remembrance, the CBC leadership placed a wreath in the same place where the tragedy occurred, on Patria Street, between Unión and Santovenia, in the capital's El Cerro municipality, informed the Ministry of the Interior.
It added that Luis Carlos Guzmán Matos, first colonel and head of the institution, attended the evocation ceremony, together with Hennessy Cárdenas Jacas, secretary of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power, officers, pensioners, civilian workers, children and neighbors of the community.
A year later, in honor of both revolutionaries, the National Firemen School, created in 1963 in the Versalles-Coronela popular council of the municipality of La Lisa, adopted the name of Mártires de la Calle Patria (Martyrs of the Homeland Street).
The tribute to Iván Lugo Machado and Elías Moya Téllez is part of the activities of the LVII National Fire Protection Week, scheduled from the 15th to the 21st of this month.