Díaz-Canel calls for unity around Communist Party organization in Cuba

Édité par Ed Newman
2023-10-03 17:58:11


Photo taken from Cubavisión Internacional

Havana, October 3 (RHC)-- The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (CC-PCC) and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel highlighted Tuesday the relevance of the creation 58 years ago of the first CC-PCC, and the farewell letter of Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967).

On the social network X (formerly Twitter), the president wrote:

"On October 3, 1965, the unity of the revolutionary forces in Cuba was consolidated; an event that according to the words of historic leader Fidel Castro Ruz (1926-2016), then prime minister of the revolutionary government, meant one of the most transcendental steps in the history of the Caribbean nation."

"The event closely united the revolutionary people and achieved the highest degree of unity and organization around the political conceptions of the process of transformations initiated in 1959 on the island," said the Commander in Chief.

That day was also born the Granma newspaper, official organ of the PCC, as a result of the merger of the newspapers Revolución and Hoy. On the following day, the first issue of that newspaper was printed, with a circulation of 498,784 copies.

The date also marks the moment when Fidel read the farewell letter that the Argentine-Cuban revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara left before leaving for the Congo and then Bolivia, to continue the struggle for the liberation and vindication of the peoples.

"There is an absence in our Central Committee of one who possesses all the merits and all the virtues necessary in the highest degree to belong to it and who, nevertheless, does not figure among the members of our Central Committee", expressed Fidel Castro.

The leader Fidel Castro would say about the Argentine-Cuban guerrilla "...Che gathered, in his extraordinary personality, virtues that rarely appear together (...) he was not only a man of unsurpassable action: Che was a man of deep thought, of visionary intelligence, a man of profound culture".

On that October 3, 1965, in the former Chaplin Theater of the capital, today Karl Marx, during the closing speech of the Congress of the United Party of the Socialist Revolution of Cuba, the then Prime Minister, Fidel Castro, urged the union of all political forces and social sectors in the PCC.


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