Havana, April 23 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel headed the April session of the National Innovation Council, accompanied by the member of the Political Bureau and Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz, and the deputy prime ministers, Inés María Chapman Waugh , Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz and Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella.
A proposal to improve the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation was the focus of the April session of the National Innovation Council (CNI), which was submitted to debate by its members and contributions were made to be taken into account by the governing body, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA).
The Cuban leader considered that the proposal is aimed at "a more effective and efficient management of science, technology and innovation, in adequate coordination between all the sectors that participate, both in knowledge management and in the production of goods." and services and public administration", and above all - he emphasized - that it is focused on territorial development and coupled with the priorities of the National Economic and Social Development Plan until 2030 (PNDES).
Diaz-Canel also reflected on several issues that must have a response in order to carry out a comprehensive analysis of these processes, such as the incomplete calculation that exists on the investment that the country makes in these areas, by excluding investments in this regard carried out by the system. business; or the statistics, also partial, on the real contribution of the knowledge economy to the GDP and the science and innovation component of our exports.
He insisted on promoting the knowledge economy, because there are capabilities, at the same time that he indicated being up to date with the profound changes that are occurring, such as those generated, for example, by new technologies and artificial intelligence, which requires, in turn, a comprehensive analysis from the technological, the ideological, the ethical, the social.
The proposal on the Improvement of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation was presented to the CNI by the head of CITMA, Doctor of Science Eduardo Martínez Díaz, who outlined the objectives of an improvement that includes the Science and Innovation Law, scheduled to be debated by the National Assembly of People's Power in 2026, according to the legislative calendar.
Minister Martínez Díaz reviewed the ideas that have guided the development of science, technology and innovation during the revolutionary process, which is guided by the concepts of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.
He also recalled the words of President Díaz-Canel, who has stated more than once that the "application of science and innovation is not an option, it is the only mechanism to follow to achieve the goals and development of the country." .
When explaining to the members of the CNI what the improvement of the Cuban system of Science, Technology and Innovation (SCTI) consists of, the head of CITMA explained that what is being proposed is: directing science and innovation towards the solution of specific problems ; the definition of priorities at all levels; and achieve comprehensiveness in the conception and execution of projects, as well as adequate interconnectivity between the different actors.
He stressed that the improvement has as its axes the main problems facing the Cuban economy today and require solutions through science and innovation, among them: the income of freely convertible currencies, energy generation and food production.
When elaborating on what the improvement of the SCTI consists of, he explained that it also seeks to strengthen the scientific-technological potential of the country; enhance incentives for innovation at different levels (moral and economic incentives); increase investment in science and innovation, which includes diversifying the sources of project financing and negotiating the intangible value created in the project, among other objectives.
He also stressed that the SCTI improvement process must be connected to the implementation of the Government Management System based on Science and Innovation; Therefore, it is proposed that this be a project management system, specifically, "Strategic Government Projects that close the cycle."
When making comments on the CITMA presentation, Doctor of Science Jorge Núñez Jover made several recommendations, taking into account that the improvement of the SCTI pursues the solution of problems through the knowledge sector.
He emphasized innovation processes, which is, he stressed, transversal to all sectors and organizations and implies a big change in actions. The improvement of the SCTI, he emphasized, also happens because cadres