Caravan in Panama demands removal of Cuba from U.S. terrorist list

Édité par Ed Newman
2024-09-01 18:47:47


Caravan in Panama demands removal of Cuba from U.S. terrorist list

Panama City, September 1 (RHC)-- The 13th Caravan in Panama against the United States blockade of Cuba demanded on Sunday that the island be removed from a spurious and unilateral Washington list of countries sponsoring terrorism.

According to a statement from the Martiana Association of Cubans Resident in Panama (Amcrp), organizer of these actions since 2021, the unjust measure of the White House accentuates the effects of the economic, commercial and financial siege that the Caribbean nation has faced for more than six decades.

This list was created unilaterally by the U.S. Department of State, which violates international law and the right to non-interference in the internal affairs of countries.  It was also designed as a mechanism to exert political pressure and justify the approval of hundreds of measures to tighten the economic blockade.

On Sunday, the 13th caravan traveled along the main streets of Panama City, leaving from the University of Panama and concluding with a massive rally in the emblematic Belisario Porras Park, next to the bust that remembers the National Hero of Cuba, José Martí.

In the statement by the Amcrp, chaired by Humberto Pérez, it is specified that the inhuman measures established by the administration of Donald Trump and maintained by the current president Joe Biden, cause numerous problems in the lives of millions of Cubans. The shortage of food and medicine, exacerbated by these economic and financial pressures, has reached unimaginable levels, deeply affecting the Cuban family, the document indicates.

Pérez, also coordinator of the Cuban diaspora in Latin America and the Caribbean, told Prensa Latina that together with members of social organizations and the National Coordinator of Solidarity, they will ask the Government of Panama to denounce the atrocious blockade that has lasted more than 60 years.

He recalled that this policy causes the heroic people to suffer need and scarcity, who despite these attacks that besiege them, resist and fight to move forward.

The Amcrp will sent a strong message to the White House and to the Democratic candidate Kamala Harris and her campaign team, who in the past expressed their belief in the need to lift the blockade, calling it a failed policy.

“It is time for the U.S. Congress to repeal the laws that support this retrograde and cruel policy,” the text underlines.

Only with love, unity and firmness will we be able to move towards a just and humane solution for our brothers and sisters in Cuba, says the Amcrp, with the certainty of moving forward from a creative resistance that finds support in solidarity movements around the world and also in the Central American nation.

Pérez specified that this caravan takes place in the midst of campaigns by groups opposed to the Revolution that triumphed in 1959, which from Miami foment hatred and subversion against the peace and stability of Cuban families.   (Source: Prensa Latina)



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