The 18th International Habano Festival, to be held from 29th of this month to 4th March in the capital of Cuba, will be dedicated to the iconic Cohiba brand, marking half century of its creation.
Cohiba cigars are among Cuba’s finest and enjoy great international prestige. The exclusive line of the brand is the Cohiba Behike, launched in 2010 and produced in extremely limited quantities, under the names BHK 52, BHK54 and BHK 56, all of high quality and demand.
As customary in these events, some of the brands will be introducing new cigar sizes, for the delight of the usually more than 1,00 participants from 60 countries regularly attending the Festival.
According to the Cuban News Agency, the presentation of new sizes is in line with a program of cigar diversification being spearheaded by Habanos S.A., the company responsible for world distribution of the prestigious Cuban cigars.
For more information visit
2016 Habanos Festival to be dedicated to Cohiba’s fiftieth anniversary
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